Breaking News! Breaking News! Breaking News!
A genocide is unfolding in Igbo land, specifically in Umuaka, Imo State, yet the world remains silent, and the Nigerian media refuses to report it.
As of this morning, at least 80 Igbo youths have reportedly been burned to death in Umuaka, while homes are being destroyed. Our elderly mothers are forced to flee into the forests for safety.
At 8 a.m., heavily armed Nigerian soldiers opened fire on civilians with no provocation-simply because they have the weapons, while the youth are defenseless. Meanwhile, the Nigerian “brown envelope” journalists have refused to cover this horrific crime unfolding in Igbo land.
There is no active conflict or crime surge in Umuaka, yet the Nigerian military is flying fighter jets over the area. A war is being waged against our people in Imo State-a slow and deliberate genocide aimed at erasing the Igbo community.
If you are Igbo and active on social media, share this news. Don’t remain silent simply because it isn’t happening in your village. When they’re done destroying Umuaka, your village could be next. Don’t wait until it’s too late to speak up.
Share this message! Spread the word-they are attacking our families and communities back home.