“I was fighting for Nigerians, but Nigerians were fighting me. They wanted you all dead for the sake of power. I resigned so that you could live.

“I was fighting for Nigerians, but Nigerians were fighting me. They wanted you all dead for the sake of power. I resigned so that you could live.

“I was fighting for Nigerians, but Nigerians were fighting me. They wanted you all dead for the sake of power. I resigned so that you could live.

They were not after me; they were after you. I just happened to be standing in their way. They knew I would bring Nigeria to global standards, so they fought me from all sides, dragging you into the depths of poverty.

My love for you as Nigerians was beyond words.

‘Nobodyโ€™s political ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian.’

โ€” Goodluck Jonathan”

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