Breaking News: Russian Pilot Who Bombed Biafra During the War Speaks Out
A retired Russian military pilot who aided Nigeria during the Biafra War has revealed shocking details about his involvement in the conflict. He admitted to bombing Biafran territories from 35,000 feet above the ground, stating that without his efforts, the Biafran military—despite being poorly armed—could have overpowered Nigeria.
“Biafrans were incredibly smart and resilient,” he said. “They held off the Nigerian military for three years, even without proper weapons. Their guerrilla warfare tactics were unmatched. They mastered the art of invisible combat—you couldn’t see them coming, but they could see you. They blended seamlessly with the environment, ambushing Nigerian soldiers and seizing their weapons. At times, it almost seemed as if the Nigerian military was willingly handing over their guns, but that wasn’t the case. The Biafran fighters were simply that skilled.”
Recalling one of his missions, he described an attempt to bomb Omuma Road Primary School in Aba, a strategic target believed to be housing Biafran soldiers. However, upon approaching the site, he witnessed something extraordinary:
“From the sky, the school simply vanished. It was as if it had blended with the earth itself. Later, I learned that Biafrans had developed a technique using natural electromagnetic camouflage that made structures invisible to aerial reconnaissance. Even today, the Russian government is still studying this phenomenon.”
Now reflecting on his actions, the ex-pilot expressed deep regret for his role in the war. “I regret what I did to those innocent people. If the Biafran tribe still exists, fighting them again would be Nigeria’s greatest mistake. They had nothing, yet they resisted the world for three years. I have great respect for such a people.