BREAKING NEWS: Fulani herdsmen on the run in Aba, Abia State, after Aba youths uncovered plans by some Fulani to attack the city.

BREAKING NEWS: Fulani herdsmen on the run in Aba, Abia State, after Aba youths uncovered plans by some Fulani to attack the city.

Aba youths mobilized in large numbers to send a clear message that Aba is not Yoruba land. “We have men, we have spies,” they declared.

The youths destroyed the herders’ settlement and chased them beyond the state border. Some Fulani vanished, while others Ran, and strangely, some of their cows refused to die despite multiple gunshots.

Currently, some Fulani are taking refuge in Aba police station, while others are hiding in an army barracks. Aba will always be Aba—do anyhow, see anyhow. We are not Yorubas.

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